The various activities supported by the Foundation for Craniofacial Surgery are diverse in scope and geography. Follow us on our social media outlets to keep informed and to get involved!
#POC that stand together in organized protest against systemic injustice continue to be silenced—even in their own…
I am proud that my children and their adolescent peers are raising their voices and calling for change. My personal…
“She’s just a girl and she’s on fire” #mygirlsallgrownup
EID MUBARAK! My first daytime meal in a long time! I fasted for Ramadan this year, as I have for the past 25, mea…
More on Bella’s complicated story to come once she’s done with all of her care but in the meantime I couldn’t resis…
As different people in different parts of the world start to reconnect to a #newnormal in different ways, many of u…
As the curve flattens in Los Angeles and the hospitals get back to some sense of (new) normalcy, a mandate for soci…